New guide published for health professionals

This cycling guide aims to support health professionals to understand the benefits cycling can deliver in terms of therapeutic outcomes and encourages them to embed it within their practice.

“A vacation for the mind”: why cycling for people with poor mental health (Part 2)?

Two adults cycling in casual clothes on bicycles across moorland in the sunlight one evening.

This post is the second in a series of 3. The first showed how cycling has helped people with a range of mental health conditions, in their own words. In this post, I focus on things to consider before encouraging someone to start cycling. You can find out more of how to start cycling in your local area more generally in an earlier blog.

Presentation to a Sustrans Regional Behaviour Change & Engagement Team

I had a good time with one of Sustrans' behaviour change and engagement teams earlier this week, discussing inclusive cycling and helping them have a think about what they could do to be even more inclusive. In preparation, I discovered about 50% of Disabled people in towns and cities cycle or would like to do… Continue reading Presentation to a Sustrans Regional Behaviour Change & Engagement Team