New guide published for health professionals

This cycling guide aims to support health professionals to understand the benefits cycling can deliver in terms of therapeutic outcomes and encourages them to embed it within their practice.

“A vacation for the mind: why cycling for people with poor mental health (Part 3)?

Asian woman outstretched with bicycle outdoor in a park

Learn from 3 OTs how to introduce cycling as an intervention to people with severe mental illness. The OTs weren't cyclists when they started and now recommend cycling for its many benefits.

Gear change: the real legacy of the government’s cycling vision

Source: Department for Transport, 2020a The government’s recently published vision for walking and cycling “Gear change” (Department for Transport, 2020a)  is a step up from previous announcements on cycling. I think it is a great vision for everybody who cycles and people who'd like to.   Three elements of particular interest to allied health professionals include:… Continue reading Gear change: the real legacy of the government’s cycling vision