Gear change: the real legacy of the government’s cycling vision

Source: Department for Transport, 2020a The government’s recently published vision for walking and cycling “Gear change” (Department for Transport, 2020a)  is a step up from previous announcements on cycling. I think it is a great vision for everybody who cycles and people who'd like to.   Three elements of particular interest to allied health professionals include:… Continue reading Gear change: the real legacy of the government’s cycling vision

“A vacation for the mind”: why cycling for people with poor mental health (Part 2)?

Two adults cycling in casual clothes on bicycles across moorland in the sunlight one evening.

This post is the second in a series of 3. The first showed how cycling has helped people with a range of mental health conditions, in their own words. In this post, I focus on things to consider before encouraging someone to start cycling. You can find out more of how to start cycling in your local area more generally in an earlier blog.

Cycle-mad David’s life went full circle

When David Watts sustained a major stroke at the age of 74, it looked like his cycling days were finally over. Even into his 70s he was regularly out on his bike, cycling up to 20,000 miles a year. But after his stroke in 2013 he experienced significant difficulties including dysphagia, right-side paralysis, neuropathic pain… Continue reading Cycle-mad David’s life went full circle